
Our Interprofessional Fracture Prediction and Prevention Program supports the recommendation of the World Health Organizations Bone and Joint Initiative to shift from disease awareness to a more seamless coordinated care and quality of life focus on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of people at risk of osteoporosis and future fractures.

The program consists of two components:

• Fracture Prediction and Prevention: Self-directed Leaning Manual
• Interprofessional Fracture Prediction and Prevention Presentation


Fracture Prediction and Prevention: Self-directed Learning Manual

This self-directed learning manual is a pre-requisite “train the trainer” resource for individuals wishing to use the Interprofessional Fracture Prediction and Prevention Presentation. It can also be used as an educational resource for individual health care providers wanting to more about osteoporosis and bone health.

Based on The Osteoporosis Book: Bone Health, this learning tool assists physicians and other health care providers to be efficient, effective and productive with their limited time as they discuss the value of the appropriate use of clinical evaluation tools and administration of various medication therapy options based on the patient’s benefit and risk profile. The patient is then be better prepared to review the information using patient education tools.


Interprofessional Fracture Prediction and Prevention Presentation

This unique “train the trainer” education program can be presented as a workshop, a webinar or as an online learning tool.

We provide all the presentation materials, including course objectives as well as detailed notes for the presenter. Completion of the Fracture Prediction and Prevention: Self-directed Leaning Manual is required prior to presenting the workshop.

Knowledge gained from this program, which is builds on The Osteoporosis Book: Bone Health, assists physicians and other health care providers to be as efficient, effective and productive with their limited time as they discuss the value of the appropriate use of assessment tools and administration of various drug therapy options based on the patient’s benefit and risk profile.

As a workshop or webinar, the program can be customized so that it can be presented in its entirety or, in order to meet the demanding work schedules of healthcare professionals, topics can be presented separately or in a combination that meets the requirements of participants and agencies facilitating the program.

The program comprises an introduction and six topic areas:

  • What is Happening on the Inside – Reviews how bones grow and develop reaching peak bone mass. We look at bone architecture and structure that helps improve osteoporosis diagnosis and treatment.
  • Prevention – Discusses the role of nutrition (especially calcium and vitamin D), exercise and lifestyle choices in maintaining and improving bone health.
  • Predicting Fracture Risk: Bone Density – Introduces a simple triage tool (F3D3) for quick fracture risk assessment to determine the need for further clinical evaluation. Explains BMD testing and the importance of early identification of vertebral fracture.
  • Predicting Fracture Risk – Reviews FRAX and other fracture assessment tools and discusses their importance as part of clinical evaluations.
  • Treatment – Reviews the role of pharmacological therapy in reducing fracture risk and preventing further bone loss. Therapies are discussed, including possible side effects and ways to address concerns of patients. Attention is also paid to men and osteoporosis and therapies for treating male osteoporosis.
  • Monitoring Treatment – Offers tips and advice to health care professionals on monitoring treatment adherence and modifying treatment, including drug holidays, if necessary.

“… a comprehensive guide for any healthcare professional to identify and appropriately manage osteoporosis. It clearly reviews pathophysiology, prevention and treatment, and provides case studies, self tests and education materials to be able to effectively and efficiently communicate with patients and provide evidence-based care. A must-have reference guide for any clinic.”


Leigh Parkinson, MPT, PhD, Registered Physiotherapist, Research Scientist